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[pct-l] Go Slugger!

Great going Joanne and Merlin!

Hey Merline, have you gotten a patent on your idea yet!  It seems to me that 
you might have something here.  

And I thought all Slugs should be liberally sprinkled with salt and left to 
die!  Wasn't that foolish of me. Our First-Aid Kit may have a new item in it 
this year.  Doesn't sound like Walt and his scale will get overly upset when 
it gets weigth in either.

How many dehydrated slugs do you think each person should take along on 
their PCT hike; 10, 20? Have you found that you need to pick the right sized 
slug for your foot, or will all slugs in this state of limpness work?

> mayhap, the day will dawn when the lowly slug will take its rightful place 
as a benefactor of man [and women]-kind!

A-men -- OOPS  A-slug!

Happy Feet and Happy Trails  --- Pat

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
