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Re: [pct-l] MSR Ice Axe & Duct tape

Montedodge wrote:

I did  the Ray Jardine trick of Duct taping my feet when
>breaking in new boots. Got some new boots this summer to climb Rainier with
>and took these 5 lb Montrail,s out of the box at the paradise parking lot.
>BLISTERS in three days plus ductape stayed on the whole time. ( unreal ! )
>PCT, most blister problems are in first 200 miles. After that, feet should
>tuff enough.

I don't know about PCT hikers solving their early-season foot abrasion
problems with duct tape. This might provide a total buffer against boot-foot
friction, but do the feet need that much buffering? Duct tape doesn't
breathe, and so any part of the foot covered by it will be absolutely
stifled in So Cal heat. The skin will likely prune, and callus toughening of
the feet - the only permanent solution - will not occur. Starting off with
flexible running shoes of the proper larger-than-normal size should greatly
reduce the likelihood of break-in/early season abrasion problems. In places
where the shoe is rubbing, we can apply breathable adhesive strips, 2nd
skin, or maybe duct tape in small amounts. But on a case-by-case basis. And
I think the best approach is to get the feet toughened long before Campo...
just offering the standard Jardine advice here.

Speaking of the early season, think rain! The Southwest, on whole, needs it
in a bad way, it would seem.
- Blister (AZ Trail hopeful '99)

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