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[pct-l] Introduction


Hello everybody

	I've been lurking for the last three months listening to some lively
debates and soaking up all the information I can about the PCT.  There was
a PCT virus spreading around at the ALDHA meeting in West Virginia this
Fall and I got infected. So I think I'm in the right place.
	I want to take a loonnng walk on the PCT, at least to the Oregon border,
maybe the whole way, but, alas, not this Spring.  And that's a great pity
because Its clear from this list that I'd be with great company.  But I've
other commitments this Summer and will attempt an end-to-end backpack of
the Finger Lakes Trail instead.  I've been serving on trail crews on the
FLT for some time now and its high time I actually walked it.  Besides, I
need the experience, I want to try some ultralite techniques and see what
works for me.  My backpacking resume consists solely of a thru-hike of the
AT in 1996 and I have much to learn. So, if all goes well, I hope to start
the PCT in the  Spring of 2000 and meet some of you.  Till then I'll follow
this long conversation and Perhaps add something to it.  this is a great
list-uncommonly high signal to noise ratio...

	Hey, I just turned 60 today-lets hear it for the Geritols!

Duane  [AKA merlin]
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
