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[pct-l] Grand Canyon links
Sorry for the off list topic but several persons on this list might be
interested in some of the Grand Canyon links that I have found to be useful
since there have recently been several messages about GC.
http://www.egroups.com/list/grandcanyon - Yes, Virginia, there is a list just
for GC backcountry lovers; less traffic than PCT-L.
http://www.kaibab.org/bc/gc_trips.htm - trip reports on the previously
mentioned Grand Canyon Explorer. GCE is the most extensive source of GC
information of all kinds and the owner has hiked a considerable amount of the
parks trails. Emphasis is on the South Rim routes.
http://www.thecanyon.com/nps - the official National Park Service page, not
very useful for specific trail information but great for securing a permit; as
usual, the Park Service seems more interested in scaring the hell out of you
rather than helping you with your backcountry trip, but then, they do have
hundreds of rescues a year!
http://members.aa.net/~mahanay/mikes2.htm - I have to say that this one is the
best I've seen for those of us who like to hike outside of the "corridor"
trails where one is truly on one's own. Emphasis is on the North Rim routes.
http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/Grand_Canyon_AZ_US_f.html - current weather
at Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim; looks downright balmy today at 54 for
the high. Temperatures in the Canyon can be estimated from this: I'd say its
about 70 on the Colorado River today.
http://www.gorp.com/gorp/resource/US_National_Park/az/hik_gc.HTM - the GORP
page which includes a map and short description of most of the trails.
http://www.gorp.com/gcjunkies/CANYON.HTM - the Grand Canyon Junkies: need I say
There are several other sources which I won't include here since all of them
can be accessed from the pages I've quoted. Happy browsing!
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | http://www.backcountry.net *