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FWD Bounce: Re: [pct-l] Fuel resupply Questions

This is a forward of an email posted by
"Lucian Hicks" <lucian@sierranv.net>
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Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 08:59:40 -0600 (CST)
From: "Lucian Hicks" <lucian@sierranv.net>
Subject: BOUNCE pct-l@backcountry.net:     Admin request of type
/^\s*who\s*$/i at line 3  
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Fuel resupply Questions
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 07:00:32 -0800

<<I have info. on the Esbit
stove from "mconnick"'s web site.  Any other opinions about this?  People
wh o have used it for a thru hike? .>>

Here is my review of the Esbit stove, which was posted to AT-L.  I've not
used it on a thru-hike yet, but I think one advantage on the PCT would be
one's ability to maildrop the fuel.  The Esbit tabs can be sent by ordinary


I recently returned from a 4-day trip into the Grand Canyon, using the Esbit
Pocket Stove as my only cooking source, and here is a summary of my
experiences with it.

I loved it. Flat out loved it. And my backpacking partner was so impressed,
she kept talking about calling Campmor as soon as she got home.

I won’t bore you with the details of the stove’s design and weight, which
have been provided elsewhere. But I will say that the fact that there are no
parts to break, clog, clean, or malfunction provided a level of confidence
that I enjoyed.

It was quite cool where I used the stove. Night time temperatures were below
freezing each night, and the temps at dinner time (when the stove was used)
were probably in the mid-30’s. The temperature of the water I was cooking
with had to be close to that. I haven’t tried the stove at altitude, but I
can’t imagine its performance would be affected at all, except to the extent
that lower boiling temps at altitude require longer cooking times.

Before taking the stove on this trip, I experimented with it on cool
mornings (mid-forties) at home, trying to cook Lipton dinners. I had heard
that one pellet was not enough to cook a dinner on, so I tried two. Way too
much. I tried 1 and ½. More than enough. I tried 1 pellet. It worked fine.
In the field, I never found the need for more than one pellet per meal, even
though it was pretty cold.  I cooked three dinners with three pellets. As
always, YMMV, but I’m not sure why people are using more than one pellet per
dinner. It was plenty for me. I just put everything into the pot, covered
the pot, put it on the stove, and waited 20 minutes, stirring about every 5
minutes. By that time, the pellet had burned out, the food was cooked, and
the "let stand" period had elapsed. This was true of a Lipton dinner, a
home-made Minute Rice concoction, and a home-made vermicelli concoction.
Since I don’t cook in the mornings while backpacking, the total weight of my
stove and fuel for a 4-day trip was about 5 ounces. Amazing. If you need a
longer cooking time, don’t put more pellets in the stove to start with.
Rather, add another half or full pellet after 10 minutes.  1/2 pellet would
be enough to heat water for coffee in the morning.

The fuel pellets do blacken the bottom of the pot a little, but not much.
The pellets also have a slightly unpleasant odor, as do the fumes. But the
fumes are not toxic. And since there is no flare-up, you can cook in a
well-ventilated tent tent or vestibule.

Important Caveat: This little stove gets hot (the pellet burns at 1400
degrees Fahrenheit). DO NOT use it while it is sitting on a tent floor, a
book, anything plastic, the back of your dog, a photograph of a loved one,
or a piece of wood about whose appearance you care.

Some kind of windscreen is important. But I designed a nifty windscreen as
follows: Fold two pieces of aluminum foil into rectangles approximately
2.25" by 1.75". Then curl one of the long ends of each piece into a little
hook shape. You can then hang each of the pieces of foil over the exposed
sides of the stove, thereby protecting the flame from any wind and also
concentrating the heat. The two pieces of foil weigh nothing and take up no
space because they can be stored inside the folded stove. An MSR foil-type
will work too.

I tried using an inexpensive substitute for the Esbit pellets as fuel: U.S.
Military-issue trioxane pellets, used to heat MRE’s. Forget it. They burn
too quickly to be useful on a backpacking trip. Stick with the Esbit tabs.
Buy them in bulk.  I haven't tried hexamine tabs, so they may provide an

The stove is not indestructible. If you beat it up enough, it gets hard to
open and close. But at $9.99, you can afford a replacement if you get

The stove, fuel, windscreen, lighter, spoon, and cleaning-bandanna all fit
in my 1.3 L pot.

Forget about simmering.  This is a one-temperature stove.  But I never had
anything boil over the way it would with a white-gas stove on "Hi".

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List |  http://www.backcountry.net   *
