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[pct-l] Re: pct-l-digest V1 #511

At 12:00 AM 6/8/98 -0500,  Allan Gould asked: 
>Planning a hike on JMT in Sept (permit-permitting)
>Wondering if there's a handbook for the JMT, or whether
>it's best to just use the relevant sections PCT handbook
Charlie Jones added:
>Try "Guide to the John Muir Trail" by Thomas Winnett. Available from the PCT
>On-Line Store    http://www.gorp.com/pcta/store.htm
>ISBN 0-89997-040-0

This book is currently out of print.  The new edition may be available as
early as late this month.  Watch:


for an update in this area.   It is probably the most important book now
missing from the biblio.

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco            mailto:gomberg@wcf.com
FormMaestro                              <http://www.wcf.com>
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