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[pct-l] Trail from Auga Dulce to Mojave

Jethro and Daisy May reached Mojave yesterday - one day earlier than
planned for this leg.  The trail from Auga Dulce was rocky and fairly wel=
vegetated which made going rough at times.  No snow for a change.  The
desert wasn't much of a problem - they stocked up on water prior to
entering it, but found water plentiful in places that are probably normal=
dry.  They met up with "Jack" during part of that portion.

At the point where they dropped off the trail to hich into Mojave, they
found a large highway interection - and hitched from the highway on-ramp.=

They ended up staying at White's Motel in Mojave which is hiker friendly.=

The motel will even come pick you up at that highway interesection if you=

can call them (need someone with a cell phone).  How's that for service? =

Motel folks giving them and a Swiss couple a ride back to the intersectio=
in the morning!

They plan to continue to Kennedy Meadows and leave the trail at that poin=
due to reports of too much snow in the Sierras.  They are going to bus
ahead to continue further north at either Sierra City or Belden.  What
really is missing is some news of what folks ahead have found beyond
Kennedy Meadows or at Sierra City.  Any news out there?

Chief of Logistics and box mailer
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
