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[pct-l] Skykomish

In the last digest Andy wrote:

>Finally, I think Craig might have mixed up Snoqualmie Pass with White Pass.
>You must hitch 17 miles down to Snoqualmie but the Post Office lady was
>extremely nice, as was the Motel lady, as were the restaurant folks and any

I hate to say it but I think the mixup is on Andy's part.  :)  Just kidding.
I think Andy means Skykomish, that is 17 miles down the highway, Snoqualmie
Pass and White Pass are near the trail.  Aw hell, why we are at it..I'll
thrown in my two experiences from Snoqualmie Pass and Skykomish.

Snoqalimie Pass-  Arrived there on August 19th, 1994.  This was the same
weekend that the starlight mountain festival was going on, about 20 miles
from Snoqalmie Pass.  The Starlight Mountain Festival is basically a
Grateful Dead show without the Dead.  It is a bunch of hippie and
hippie-wannabe types infesting a mountainous area, and there are two musical
stages.  One stage is electric, the other stage is for acoustic music.
Anyway, on Friday night my friend Curtiss and I stayed at the wonderful Bed
and Breakfast near Snoqualmie Pass.  That night I met a certain person named
"Pickaxe" Pete Fish (Hi Pete!).  The next morning we caught a ride with 3
Beavis and Butthead types, that were headed down to the festival.  They were
driving an old early 80's era Buick.  Our packs wouldn't fit in the trunk,
because they had 3 cases of Miller High Life (cans) in the trunk, along with
their clothes, etc.  Curtiss and I had to stuff ourselves plus our packs
into the backseat.  I was getting very clausterphobic (sp).  We both had
speakers behind out heads blaring out the latest metal music craze, dum dun
dun dun dun dun duunnnnn.  Ugh.  Anyway, we had a fun weekend at the
Festival, and got to see a few friends from our hometown.  Curtiss and I
still couldn't get over how we had been on the trail, and then dropped into
the festival.  The people at the gate saw our packs and were amazed that we
had basically walked to the festival, (but we still got stuck paying the $20
entrance fee).

Skykomish - This is a great little town in the mountains.  Curtiss and I got
picked up by two kids in a VW Bug.  The kids (Beavis and Butthead again)
stopped because they were almost out of gas.  We gave them $5.00 to get to
Skykomish.  Of course the trunk didn't work, so again we had to stuff
ourselves & packs into the back of a VW bug.  These two kids had a court
date in Wenatchee that morning, and were driving back to Seattle when they
picked us up.  Had a good time in that there town Skykomish.  There were two
20 year old French girls staying at the motel.  They didn't know hardly any
English.  Yowza!  I know what you are thinking....and you can just take your
dirty little minds and make up your own adventure.  Besides, Curtiss and I
both chickened out and didn't talk to the girls.  Nowdays I would have
spoken to them, but not back then.  We all make mistakes.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the wrong one."

 -  Robert Frost vs. Craig Giffen

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