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[pct-l] Goodbye!

Hi all!

I haven't posted much but I've been reading diligently over the last
year preparing.  Anyway, my partner (phJen) and I (clownfoot) are
closing up shop and flying out tomorrow for an early May 1 start. The
food is all arranged and set to go, the basic packs weigh in at 25 lbs
(our goal was <30 -- excellent!), and I think we have everything.

Anyway, I'm hugging my cats goodbye and doing all the "lasts" (including
logging on) and I can't wait to meet some of you out there and tell the
others all about it.  See you in Manning in Sept!!

David Ferguson			Jen Coughlin
"clownfoot"				"phJen"

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
