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[pct-l] more start date info
- Subject: [pct-l] more start date info
- From: Ken Marlow <kmarlow@ngs.org>
- Date: Tue, 1 Apr 97 17:38:00 -0500
- Organization: National Geographic
- Reply-to: <kmarlow@ngs.org>
Scott Wrote :
Times have changed on the ol' PCT from when we were out there. Packs are
1/3 of what we used and mileage is way up such that people are shooting for
5 or even 4 months. The new holiday for starting is May Day. Maybe we need
top build a little Red Square so that we can have a May Day parade of
Anyone else feel that May Day is the "Traditional Start Date" now? It used
to be April Fool's Day. What is the average mileage your planning for? In
'82 the word was to average 17 miles given starting in a window a week
before or after this date(although some days were in the twenties). Because
of the later start the intended mileage appears to necessitate being
greater. What are your average pack weights? Are you folks averaging around
14 food drops?
Although I had fairly lightweight gear(3.5 lb tent).I had a Gregory Cassin
that at the time, was the largest volume internal frame pack (I had thirteen
food drops). In an effort to reduce ounces I found myself cutting-off all
unnecessary leather accessory lashing patches. Those big packs were and
still are heavy. It sounds like some of you are taking packs 2000 cubic
inches in volume less. My clothing (bare in mind my April 1st start and a
late winter that year) generaly consisted of a polypro top and bottom,
convertible hiking pants/shorts, a t-shirt, pile jacket, pile pants and
balaclava, gloves, gaitors and a down vest, rain gear and wind breaker. I
used it all. It sounds like a few of you are opting not carry bulky pile
clothing. Is it because of your May start? What aren't you taking if using
such small packs? I know these are a lot of questions, but some of your pack
volumes were a real eye opener!
-Ken Marlow
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