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Re: [pct-l] Snow in the Cascades

The current snowpack in those areas supplying water to the city of Seattle
are about double normal for this time of year (58 vs a norm of 30).
Precipitation forcast for the next few days with snow level at about 4000

Cell phones are useless through most of the Cascades. On the other hand
where they work they don't weigh much. The most reliable communication is
through the amateur 2 meter band. You need a liscense although no one has
gotten in trouble in a true emergency. I suspect they are a bit heavier,
but its been a long time since I was involved in that.

Duncan Fletcher

> From: Adam Young <aq808@freenet.carleton.ca>
> To: pct-l@saffron.hack.net
> Subject: [pct-l] Snow in the Cascades
> Date: Wednesday, March 26, 1997 5:07 PM
> Does any one know how the snow is doing in the cascades? We're hiking
> southbound and planning to leave June 15. Any comments on what we might
> in for?
> Also on another topic, does anyone have any ideas about what to do about
> fearful mother. My mom is going a bit crazy as departure for the trail
> gets closer. She want us to take a radio or a cellular phone for
> but those are the things we're trying to get away from and don't want to
> bring them. Would a cell phone even work on the trail? Any way if any one
> has any ideas on how to put her worries to rest, please share them.
> carolyn
> --
> --------------------------------         
>  Adam Y.
> aq808@freenet.carleton.ca
> * From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info
http://www.hack.net/lists *

* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
