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Re: [pct-l] Response to Booties n' Dogs

I heard of a dog hiking the entire AT.  One dog was a seeing eye dog,
Orient was his name, and another was written up in National Geographic
many years ago.  Maybe the trail conditions are better for dogs on the

Maybe just take your dog as far as he want's to go.  If that's one
day, one week or the whole thing.  Or even hike with him a week, send
him home for a while and have him join you again for a while later on.

JWilsonVW@aol.com writes:
 > poor old doggies, what their owners put them through,...
 > I know one guy last year who tried taking his dog on the whole thruhike. He
 > was the '96 hapless hiker, and his dog didn't make it either. After bringing
 > the battered dog home to oregon from the sierras, the dog later died of
 > exhaustion, and the hiker didn't finish, either.
 > oh, yeah, i'm getting weird error messages back to me, too.
 > jeremy
 > * From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
Wayne E Dahl                  Coryphaeus Software Inc
408-395-4537                http://www.coryphaeus.com
wayne@coryphaeus.com                 fax 408-395-6351
The difference between a fool and a wise man is not the things
they know, it's the questions they ask...
* From the Pacific Crest Trail Email List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
