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[pct-l] Hello

I just joined up and wanted to say hello to all on list.  As you can tell
I'm living in New Jersey and have no idea when and if I'll ever be able to
hike the PCT.  Most of my backpacking is centered around the tri-state area
for 2-5 day duration.  I recently retired and now have the time to spend
more time backpacking.
Take care,
John O

John O    E-mail johno@mail.monmouth
Brick, New Jersey
60 miles north of Atlantic City   60 miles south of New York City

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                             /Mount \
                           /  Maine   \
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                    /        Springer        \
                   /         Mountain         \
                  /          Georgia           \
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                /          THRU-HIKER            \      
A dream that may become a reality someday by taking one step at a time

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