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Re: [pct-l] USDA Forest Service Chief Speaks

John Koch <bearclaw@earthlink.net> wrote:
>it sounds good, but what is between the lines? what do you think, 
I'm afraid that I don't trust the USFS folks regardless of what their new
cheif says. Remember that they work for the department of  AGRICULTURE.
Their job is to "harvest" trees. 

Now mind you, I don't object to logging per se (my house is made of wood),
but I do object to the way USFS lands are logged, compared to  private
lands. You walk across many timber tracts along the PCT, and it appears that
most clear cuts are on public lands. The Timber Co.s take good care of their
own property, but there is no incentive to be gentle to USFS land. I'm sure
you can find exceptions on both sides, but this is a general impression I
got during my hike.

Cutting along the PCT in another matter. In the PCT comprehensive plan
adopted by the USFS, timber cutting was identified as detrimental to the
trail, and the plan states on page 2:

"On public lands....mangaged primarily
for other purposes [ ie. not park lands -brick-] 
Federal and state agencies should modify 
the timber harvesting, livestock grazing 
and special permit priactices to protect 
trail quality"

Page 17 of the plan states the following for management of non-park public
lands. Clearcutting on the trial is clearly not consistant with this stated

"National Forest and Bureau of Land
Management Nonwilderness Lands.

"The entire landscape and its scenic quality
are important to the purposes of the Pacific
Crest National Scenic Trail. Viewing and
understanding resource management and
other cultural activities are considered to be
part of the normal character of the trail. The
management of the various resources will
give due consideration to the existence of
the trail and trail users within the multiple
use concept. Prescription for management
of the visual resources associated with the
trail will be part of agency planning

It is my understanding that a large timber sale recently occured just south
of Crater Lake NP where the PCT goes. I fear next season's hikers will have
another long, ugly, destroyed section of trail to navigate. Does anyone on
the list have any specific information about this sale?
Brick Robbins
San Diego, CA          


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