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[pct-l] Living on the east coast
Sterling Barlow wrote:
> I can hear the surf on the Atlantic Ocean beach here on Hilton Head Island,
> SC as I type. There are others here from all over the eastern and southern
> US, and several from outside the US. The list is certainly not geocentric.
Hi Sterling,
I guess my ignorance was showing. I should have lurked a little I guess
before I assumed about this group. It does appear to be a wide range
news list...not specific to one area as I assumed...and you know what
they say about people who assume ;^>
> Some of us travel to the trail in vehicles, others in our fantasies. The
> only drawback for those of us living at a distance is the diminished
> opportunity for weekend trail maintenance work....Alas!
I guess I'm pretty new to the backcountry...I've only been hiking since
July...but it has become a passion with me. Typically my husband and I
do day hikes and an occasional overnighter. Great way to get away from
it all. I'm not real fluent yet in all the aspects of the backcountry
but hope to pick up some good info from all the great people here...and
hopefully I can give my 2 cents as well.
You're right on the trail maintenance...can't very well get there from
here :-)
> In my experience the list gets seasonal activity. Heavy as hikers plan
> their trips in the winter and spring, lighter during the summer when most
> of us would prefer to be away from telephone and electrical connections.
Got ya....thanks!
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