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Ever wanted to escape the corporate world and be your own boss?  Do you have
a desire to work with a wide variety of people eager to hear about your
product?  Are you good with people and animals and wish to apply your skills
in a fast-paced environment?  Then join the elite crew at Hardcore Hiker's
Trailside Chicken Stand!  This is a locally owned and expanding its services
and needs YOU to join in on this rewarding and exciting new opportunity.

Benefits not included.

This message sponsored by Hardcore Hiker Ltd.,

On 3/22/06, Deems <losthiker@sisqtel.net> wrote:
> Do I need a permit for my chickens in the National Parks? They don't like
> dogs on leashes, what about leashed chickens??  How do I reload on
> chickens
> once I've eaten them?  How many trail miles do you get per cooked
> chicken??
> and how many are needed to thruhike the PCT??  How many miles per day can
> a
> chicken walk, or is that like the chicken crossing the trail joke.?...What
> came first, freeze dried chicken ala King, or freeze dried eggs???
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> On extended hikes the heaviest items in the pack are food and water.  If
> there was only a way to eliminate that
> weight...............................HOW???.............................
> ..............CHICKENS ON A LEASH.........................THAT'S
> HOW!!!...............
> I hear some snickering in the background..........Hey, you guys, think
> about
> it.............Seriously,
> food that walks,  what's wrong with that?        Chickens lay eggs, right?
> So every morning, you have fresh eggs.   Every evening, you stick a
> chicken
> in the pot.
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