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[pct-l] Muscle cramps

" . . . So, make sure you stay HYDRATED!"


That's good advice. 

The issue is pretty complicated, at least for me. I
sweat a lot. More than most of the other hikers I've
met. And when I get to a town and load up on liquids,
I can go into an electrolyte deficiency shock. I've
found it especially difficult to balance electrolytes.
And I've talked with internal medicine specialists.
Adding a fast food type packet of salt to each quart
of water helps, but it doesn't provide the potassium.
Eating potato chips on the trail seems to help.

I've read articles about this, and I think there is no
easy answer. Most people do not have the same problem
I have, so I'm not suggesting that everyone should do
what I do, not at all. But I would like to find a
source of expertise on this subject.


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