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[pct-l] Bummed Out and Drummed Out

Doc Holiday wrote: OK, now I am totally bummed out.  I had this vision of switchback the trail pirate in my head, and he has totally ruined it.  I had this whole fantasy of meeting him on the trail someday and genuflecting in his presence.  I would have asked him if he wanted to go to town and get a couple of brews, and he would say of course son... just make sure your buying.  I would of course.  Than I would ask for his autograph on my pack, and he would say... well maybe grass-hopper...lets see how many beers you can buy me first.  Than off we would go to the nearest pub to party.  Now its all ruined... damm I feel like I did when I 
learned as a kid that super-man wasn't really real.  Totally bummed.
Tooooo funny.  Now I really feel bad.  I let everyone down.  Now I know I will be drummed out of hikerdom.  Everyone will be in two lines as I walk down the middle out of Lake Morena County Park at the April Kickoff.  They will turn their backs on me as I walk by.  The park gate will be slammed behind me.  A no welcome sign will be put up.  I will have to start wondering the roads looking for a ride back to Las Vegas.  Oh, well.  There is still the trail that loves me.  Cool.  Cheers, Switchback