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[pct-l] BOYMUIC at the ADZPCTKO

  Dear PCT-L-ers,
  I have committed to being noncommittal with regards to the Annual Day Zero Pacific Crest Trail Kick Off Bring Out Your Most Useless Item Contest, or ADZPCTKOBOYMUIC for short. 
  As I am attempting to thru-limp the PCT once more this year (and leaving a month prior to the Kick Off), it is highly unlikely I will be able to play MC for the event and thus we are in need of at least as much. I would love to see the show go on! 
  Therefore, this is hereby a cry, A DESPERATE PLEA, to find another coordinator for this year's edition.
  Last year, the inaugural event went without a flaw; participants carried all kinds of useless items: plastic toys, mouth harps, wigs, eyelash curlers and the like. The winner, Michael Levasseur (AKA Salt Lick), carried a 40-page intensely detailed plan, which our judges deemed the single most useless item of the entire show. He had actually planned where he was to sleep each night, what he was to eat each day, and even when he was to eat it! Rumor had it he even planned when he was going to pass gas! 
  "A two-page plan, maybe..." said judge Paul Magnanti (Mags), "...but a 40-page one...Pulleeease!" 
  Levasseur won a 25-pound engraved weight-plate for his efforts.
  So, anyway, the event is fun for all. It involves an MC and a panel of five judges and, of course, hikers and their useless items, to which there was no short supply last year.   
  I would like to see the incomparable Squatch consider this as an personal offer, as he had us all in stitches during last year's Kick Off... 
  My name is Scott Herriot
  But you can call me Squatch
  When I go hiking
  I gets a chaffin' crotch...
  Scott, perhaps in 2007 we'll team up.
  To any and all interested, please contact me if this interests you! Judges, of course, are also needed, but this will be for the coordinator to organize.  
  Nearly Sincerely,
  Chuckie V
  PS; I can assist with the event's "layout", as I have saved all necessary information from the first and hopefully annual edition.
  PPS; Last year's judges were a fine crew and more than capable of carrying the tradition onward. Never mind their hiking resumes...Monty Tam, Yogi, Mags, Gottago, and Carl Rush. These five know useless junk when they see it (no comment.) 
  PPPS; Squatch, you'll need to trade your camera for a microphone if you play Master of Ceremonies.  
  PPPPS; Last year's judges? Are you in?
  PPPPPS; I've never written an e-mail with so many post scripts.