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[pct-l] Anonymity
hey don;t worry about it Junwaid... these posts are just those internal
thoughts and people get all excited... but really you probably won;t
remember anyone on this thing when you hike...
It's no biggie..
It is just kinda hikers resource for complaining about stuff... But in
general we are all on the same side- we are hikers... I bet there are some
people on this thing that are awesome people but have said some wierd things
on the posts - but that is just because people are stressed out for other
reasons and wish they were hiking or doing something different that what
they are doing now... people need to get passionate about something and
hiking is something sweet to get passionate about...
Seriously, don;t worry... You;ll be hungry one day and one fo these people
will offer you their food so you can make it to VVR...
And when it come down to it, you'll have a trailname anyway... When I hiked
in '04 there was actually a hiker name Honalulu!
wahtevea, we all say stronger sounding stuff on the PCT-L, it is easier to
hide behind the screen ;)
>From: Junaid Dawud <jdawud@yahoo.com>
>To: pctl pctl <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
>Subject: [pct-l] Anonymity
>Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 00:13:54 -0800 (PST)
>You know it occurs to me that perhaps I should have
>never posted a single thing to the pctl. I wonder how
>many who have read my posts will meet me on the trail
>next year and harbor some bad feeling for me because
>of something I've posted here.
>-----------Junaid #41PCT2006
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