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[pct-l] lots of PCT related stuff...orthtics

Although it did not interfere with my hiking this year, I suffered some  
relatively (at least for me) relatively bad foot damage ( Recall: Insensitive  
Ogre Feet Syndrome from September).  The numbness in my feet has mostly  gone 
now, leaving only a few toes that still feel like lumps of wood.   Since I am 
starting the PCT (again) in April, I decided to seek a podiatrist's  help.  $450 
later, I will be picking up custom orthotics in a week. I  can't quite 
understand how two pieces of molded plastic can cost  $300. So... if there are 
generics that are suitable... go for it.  I  just wouldn't know what to look for...
As  Will Shakespeare said " What's aught  but as 'tis  valued?"  or...
as paraphrased by Don McLean, "The more you pay, the more it's  worth."
"No Way Ray"  Echols