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[pct-l] Land Sale,, Wholesaling America
- Subject: [pct-l] Land Sale,, Wholesaling America
- From: montedodge at msn.com (Monte Dodge)
- Date: Wed Dec 21 15:00:38 2005
Well 20 of our National Parks and 47 wilderness areas are out of our control already and were given over to the U.N. in 1972 under the " World Ecosphere Program" . We all like and enjoy our wild lands,but the program is a " Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" . If you read the fine print, it is not as good as it seems. I wish everyone would read the book. Guardian's of the Grail" written by J.R. Church in 1989. Deals with who and how the world is really ran... ...... So , if they are selling off our public land to in a big company with roots in say, Europe,, it is no surprise. Our Pres. and most folks in office are puppets to the people in power. Those who control the money ( which is their tool of choice) . Follow the money trail and people in charge.( WTO, IMF and see who pulls the real strings) Bottom line is you and I are powerless....