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[pct-l] Holiday Cheers....
don't know much about the history of the "christmas" tree except that it
was part of the Germanic pagan celebration of the winter solstice. Like
many other such customs, the catholic church couldn't supress it or the
pagan celebration so the church adopted / adapted them to have a
christian meaning.
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StoneDancer1@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 12/16/2005 9:23:55 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
> Bighummel@aol.com writes:
>>>>>>Cutting a beautiful pine tree and bringing it home and erecting it your
> living room and decorating it with all sorts of shiny things and trinkets
> and junk
> . . . and watch it slowly die while we revel in the celebration of life! >>>>
> Did you know that the Christmas Tree was added to the Christmas panoply in
> an attempt by the Church to include those nasty ancestors of mine, the
> Germanic tribes? Maybe by the Council of Nicea., held in 325 AD.. some scholar
> correct me....if anyone cares.
> "There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge" Bertrand Russel
> "No Way Ray" Echols
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