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[pct-l] Marine Corps Birthday

There are way more vets/Marines on here that I thought!

Should we start a little subgroup here??
USVADZKOMPCT? (U.S.Vets Annual Day Zero Kickoff Meeting PCT)

Do you know what a TLA is?? It is a three letter acronymn. I love
TLA's...they are all over the place. For example PCT (hhaaahah)

But in this case, it is a longer TLA, like a Twelve Letter Acronymn.

And hey..Ten Letter and Two Letter Acronyms are ok too...


They are all over the place!!

For example I trained at the USMCMWTC near Sonora Pass PCT area.
(United States Marine Corp Mountain Warfare Training Center)




LOL on the PCT!


On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 4:56:53 -0500, enyapjr wrote
> On November 10th, Jim Owen wrote:
> >"For the Marines (past, present and future) in the family - Happy 
> >
> >"And thank you for being what you are and doing what you do -
> >
> >"Semper Fi, ..."
> Yes, Happy Birthday to the Marines...  but perhaps more importantly 
> on this Veteran's Day, thank you to ALL the present and former 
> members of ALL the armed services...  "...for being what you are 
> (were) and doing (having done) what you do (did)"... I sincerely 
> hope to meet and hike with some of you on the PCT someday...  (and 
> that makes this thread PCT related now!  ; )  )...
> Happy trails!!!  ...and "Semper Fidelis" (="Always Faithful") to all...
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