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[pct-l] SuperSecrets Bits and Pieces

My experiments with juicy mouth have been completed.
1.  I am now recommending sugar free Dubble Bubble (Walmart candy  section) 
for maximum juicy mouth on the trail.  It does not have the  sugar/surup taste 
that makes you want to drink not because you need a drink, but  to get rid of 
the sugar taste in your mouth.  They come individual  wrapped.  Keep all candy 
and gums in an air tight jar at home.  They  keep fresh 5 times longer.
2.  If you need candy, again see the Walmart candy section. I am now  using 
the sugar free Life Savers.  You can get Jolly Ranchers sugar  free too.  There 
are other sugar and sugar free candies too.   Your choice, but a nice 
3.  For warm face protection, I am using the Red Head 1/2 polar  fleece mask. 
 It covers your lower face from the nose down.  My nose  get cold sometimes 
in the sleeping bag, so this is nice and light.  Only  0.5 ounce or 15 grams.  
There is a mouth cut out so you can drink and  talk. Mine is cammo color and I 
got it at the Bass sporting goods  store.
I use a nice headband for the ears and upper head.  All this can  easily be 
used on the trail or in combination or separately.  Of course I  have a light 
skull hat too.  A head band alone will not cut it.  I  have had a nice hat on 
and my ear tips still get cold.  That is when it is  very nice to have the head 
band.  Being able to use things in different  combinations is really nice as 
the temperature dictates.
If some other folks have ideas about keeping warm or cool, I would  like to 
hear them.
Thanks, Switchback
I wish I had never started those threads about metrics and nude  hiking.  And 
may be Sub Ultra Light hiking too.  I will go into self  imposed hibernation 
for a while.  If you do the crime, you must do the  time.