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[pct-l] Sun, Bugs, Hot & Cold
- Subject: [pct-l] Sun, Bugs, Hot & Cold
- From: Hiker97 at aol.com (Hiker97@aol.com)
- Date: Thu May 26 07:40:35 2005
Everyone's metabolism is different, but this is what works for me. I have
mentioned before on this list that I use SunPrecautions.com clothing for
anti-radiation/dehydration protection. This clothing works great against bugs too.
It is not perfect, but the fabric is good for bug resistance. Also, I find
that the long sleeve Super Ventilated shirt and hat with Crossover Drape, and
Super Ventilated pants (all in white color) are cool to wear in the heat and
warm in the cold. The bug and warm aspects are because of the tight fabric
weave. The cool is because of the super ventilation design.
Do not ask me why this works this way for me. It just does. Very strange as
far as I am concern, but I'll take it. For example, when the cold wind picks
up, I make sure the drape on the cap in fully across my face and neck.
Excellent protection from the cold. The same for the shirt under a jacket. Great
ventilation. I know it is weird that these garments work good in completely
different situations, but they do. I sometimes spray deet around my cap as I
walk along the trail if the bugs are REALLY bad. Of course my handsfree
umbrella offers some protection and I do use SunPrecautions.com hand covers (top of
hands only) to protect my hand/wrist area from burning when using my walking
poles. This is good bug protection too.
By the way, my experiments with the Black Diamond Light Saber bivy and bug
netting tent modification is coming along fine. Looks like I will have a very
nice bivy-bug tent for just a few ounces. More to follow.
PCT Section Hiker - Start Date 1970 - Estimated Completion Date 2145