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[pct-l] Baden Powell/Wrightwood conditions
- Subject: [pct-l] Baden Powell/Wrightwood conditions
- From: ukstoveman at hotmail.com (David Toms)
- Date: Sun May 15 17:30:00 2005
Just a short conditions update from Michele and me (Dave) regarding
conditions on the PCT from Wrightwood.
1) Most importantly: if hikers are uncomfortable with snow travel, the
alternate route presented at the kickoff (Manzanita/south fork trails to
Islip saddle) may be inappropriate. This route brings you onto the PCT at
Islip saddle, leaving you to pass over the 7900 foot high ridge of Mt
Williamson. The descent from this ridge has a northerly aspect and
considerable snow in places. It took longer to descend this route than to
ASCEND Baden Powell. Other hikers used Manzanita/Burkhart (brings you out in
cooper canyon and reportedly a nice hike) or planned to roadwalk around
Williamson. Whether the road tunnel is safe for hikers I don't know.
2) 'Official' PCT from Vincent Gap towards Baden Powell hits snow rapidly.
By 6900ft you are in continual snow. The trail was not visible at all.
There is what appears to be an old avalanche slope (40ft wide, no trees,
35-45degree slope) that leads pretty much all the way to the summit of Baden
Powel; this is what we took. There were 2 other sets of footprints both
ascending and descending.
3) This slope is relatively exposed; we were using 6 point crampons (not
insteps) which cover the whole front of the foot. We also used ice axes, and
at times were close to the limit where we felt comfortable unroped (ie if
we'd had a rope we wouldn't have used it, but if the slope had steepened
5-10deg we would have).
4) At 7700ft the gradient drops to a comfortable 25 degrees or so, the views
opened out and it was a nice fast ascent - 3hrs from Vincent gap to summit.
At summit the monument is not visible.
5) We followed the ridge from Baden Powell over Burnham, Throop and Hawkins
- this isn't the true PCT; we were just above it. Beware of the cornices;
some break lines were at least 12 feet back from the edge. Following the
true PCT 100ft below the ridge would be much less scenic and misses all the
summits. 6hrs from Baden Powell summit to Little Jimmy. At Windy gap the
trail sporadically reappeared.
6) We spent the night at little Jimmy. There were fresh adult & cub bear
tracks in the morning near the camp. We've already heard of other hikers (at
South Forks camp on the alternate route) having bears in camp. We've been
hanging our food since Wrightwood.
7) At little Jimmy there is so much snow that the outhouses are completely
buried. You can walk over the roof and not realise, until you see 2 inches
of the roof poking through the snow. I guess that means 8-10 feet of
consolidated snow at 7500 feet.
8) After little jimmy we followed the PCT until 0.2 miles from Islip saddle
where it disappeared under a huge avalanche. I suspect that when the snow
melts there may not be a PCT underneath any more. We couldn't find the exit
from this avalanche and descended it to Hwy 2 and roadwalked the last 4
minutes :-)
Hope this is of use to people; I've cc'd it to Jack Cain at the Wrightwood
hardware store who requested a conditions report so he could put it in the
Hike safely. Baden Powell will be there next year.
Dave & Michele
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