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[pct-l] a question
- Subject: [pct-l] a question
- From: akamp at qwest.net (Dave F)
- Date: Thu May 5 18:28:20 2005
- In-reply-to: <427AAB2D.8040101@qwest.net>
- References: <20050505231041.36F008616C9@mail.interchange.ca> <427AAB2D.8040101@qwest.net>
I was wandering that it was funny Was talking to a doctor that isn't an
outdoors doc course he isn't from here he just moved here so that is
why and he was liek I dont udnerstand waht your talkign about. I gues
only outdors peopel udnerstand. i think I am going out and doing sothing
outdoors this weeknd unless it snwos it is supsoed to snow :( Today we
found out the company that I got hurt workig for and thee lawer some how
arnged with the lawer to put my hearign off it boils down to the fact
they knwo they will loose and are tryign to drag this out has logn has
they can. They don't care that i got hurt makign them money and it has
talty screwed me up wthis work injury has lead to dibties loosign more
of my leg. and just loosing more of my leg is a lot melty unless you
have been there you don't relize how much of a blow it is loosing the
knee. life changes a hole lot more woth out a knee.
> dude wrote:
>>I totally agree!!! no matter how hard i make the hike, it still
>>recharges my bateries. totally!!
>>>am I the only one or do others notice this. I think that I have
>>>realized that the thing that charges my battery is hiking and being in
>>>eh great outdoors. Either hiking or camping. I have been through hell
>>>since january and part of it was losing more of my leg so hiking has
>>>been abel to be and I have realized that lately I am mentality
>>>physically and spiritually dead feeling and i was like yea I have been
>>>through hell so far this year so what i have been through hell before
>>>what is difference and i realized i haven't ben abel to spend much
>>>time in the great outdoors. I mean every night I sleep I sleep in the
>>>great outdoors because I live it eh worlds first national forest just
>>>up the road from the worlds first national park. But still that is
>>>different then sleeping in a tent. . Has any one found that going into
>>>the great outdoors recharges your batteries when you an leave the
>>>world behind. _______________________________________________
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