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[pct-l] Belden changes hands.
- Subject: [pct-l] Belden changes hands.
- From: themtgoat at yahoo.com (The Mountain Goat)
- Date: Mon May 2 15:40:40 2005
I took a hike from Belden into Bucks Lake Wilderness. On
the way home, I stopped in at the Belden store to check it
out. Aparently there is a new owner, and the gal I talked
was very interested in anything I suggested about stocking
for PCT hikers. I explained the Heet Fuel, and suggested
that they stock Vitimin I. She said they normal Stuck
Vitimin I, but the last weekend, they had a lot of
business, and got cleaned out...
An interesting story she relayed was that on one day, 75
hikers came through in mid July. Made for a very busy day
for her. I told her that we would probably be about a week
or two later this year. :-)
-Mountain Goat-
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