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[pct-l] weather sites for sobo's and snow level

For those of us who are planing to hike sobo this summer, here are a couple of links to the weather station in harts pass.

     The snow depth at this weather station (right now standing at 47 inch but dropping)  should be similar to most of the section between Manning and Rainy pass (about 70 miles).
After obsesivaly checking these site for snow depth history I discoverd that:
a) Much of this snow is relativly fresh  hence soft postholing snow.
b)The snow level right now is dropping fast,  a couple of inches a day, and is still only about 50% of the normal snow level, so an early June start might still be possible.
c) Checking the snow level 20 times a day doesn't really make the snow melt faster...
Roni (in Israel)

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