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[pct-l] Aqua Mira CONS/alternatives
The ingredients are almost identical to the AqM part A. And Yes there was pages of studies that she showed me but it was mostly greek to me....... one hike is definintely not conclusive nor would I (being a non geeky chemsit) know the difference unless I had diarehia or was dead.
Randy Forsland <randy_forsland@hotmail.com> wrote:
The Phosphoric acid is no longer present after parts A and B are intermixed.
Here is a website for pristine, which is chemically the same as Aqua Mire.It
will explain the chemical reactions.
As far as the health food alternative Aerobic 07....have you looked at the
ingredients ?? have any clinical studies that you can refer to ??
One hike won't tell you much about its effectiveness....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shutterbug steiner"
To: "pct"
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: [pct-l] Aqua Mira CONS/alternatives
>I tried a new product that is very similiar to Aqua Mira for my section
>hike of E last week. According to a biologist friend his only complaint
>with Aqua Mira is the 5% PHOSPHORIC ACID in part B. He claims that not
>only will this kill just about everything it will all potentially kill all
>the GOOD bacteria in our colons. This is especially harmful when using
>this for say months straight on a THRU hike.
> The new product that I tried was AD Goodloes "Aerobic 07". According to
> my Biologist firend this has almost the exact ingredients as Aqua Mira
> without the Phosphoric Acid. The claims according to 'their' research'
> are identical in that they kill all bacteria - giardia et al. Other
> advantages is that it does NOT have a two part system, there is only a 2
> 1/2 minute delay rather than a 20 minute delay, just the one bottle claims
> to be able to treat 70 gallons rather than AM 30, and the cost is
> comparable $15. The taste was very similar to Aqua MIra (none).
> I used it about half the time in mostly in almost spring like water
> streams in the Mojave. Under normal circumstances I would have only
> treated the water once or twice in questionable streams but wanted to try
> this new product out. FURTHERMORE - no diarrea and no death as of yet!
> The label claims an "Authentic Formula since 1971" so it has been around
> for a while. I found this product through a freind of mine who is INTO
> the multilevel marketing/ health and wellness craze in an extreme sort of
> way.
> Any thoughts/experiences from the any BioTech's out there.
> disclaimer: I am not a biologist NOR am I crazy about Multilevel
> marketing nor the Alternative Health/welness craze.
> Ron Smith wrote:
> I've been using Aqua Mira for years and have never tasted it in my
> water. Why? I think it's because I use a hydration system, hence my nose
> is never involved in "tasting" the water. Here's evidence: On a trip to
> the Sierras with my brother, we both used Aqua Mira. I was using my
> Platypus system, as usual, but he was using a wide-mouth Nalgene bottle.
> He almost always tasted it when he drank, but I never did. At first I
> thought he was just taunting me since he was tired of hearing me
> constantly praising the merits of Aqua Mira, but then he commented one
> day that he noticed that whenever his water bottle was completely full
> he couldn't taste the Aqua Mira. You can draw your own conclusions, but
> mine is that the taste is entirely or almost entirely produced from the
> chlorine dioxide gas released from the water, and not from the water
> itself. This should be an easy experiment to try out yourselves.
> Solutions¡©Platypus bag, nose clip, allowing the chlorine dioxide gas to
> escape from container before drinking, acquiring a smell for chlorine
> dioxide, or, as others have suggested, using a filter instead.
> -Ron
>> Can anyone who's used the water treatment Aqua Mira during
>> an extended hike comment on whether or not it is normal to
>> detect an odor and taste when treating water at the standard
>> 7 drop dosage?
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