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[pct-l] How much snow in the San Gabriels?

TOO much snow is a relative term.  I can guantee you that (this week) there still is 3-4 ft of solid snow from the Blue Ridge over Baden Powel and to Little Jimmy and probably beyond to around Waterman.  Section E only has snow in the Tehacapis and then patchy (just did this last section last week).  Maybe three weeks will change things but I doubt it in the San Gabs.  I'd be most concerned with navigation around Baden Powel and I have had reports of serious icey and avalange conditions from BP  & West.  Starting on the Western Side of RT 2 (around Cloudburst or Waterman) would keep you out of the worst amount of snow and then flip back and do the rest in May with the quick thruers.  That is how I would do it!

Ron Smith <ronyon@comcast.net> wrote:
I would like to hike from Cajon Pass to Tehachapi Pass starting the 3rd
week in April, but sense there will still be too much snow in the San
Gabriels then. Do any of you out there have information to confirm or
refute this

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