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[pct-l] Question for the snow experts

The key to your question is this statement:  "given 
what we currently know about where the snow is".
I am not an expert regarding snow.  In fact, I don't 
know anything about predicting snow levels.  Today is 
March 27.  There is 2 1/2 months before hikers reach 
Kennedy Meadows.  A lot can happen in that time --- 
fast melt, more storms, who knows?  Nobody can accurately 
predict what mother nature has in store for the next 
2 1/2 months.

In 2001, we started the PCT on May 6, walked at a very 
fast pace, and reached VVR on June 28.  July 4 at VVR 
is not out of the question, especially if you take 
SoCal slow.
There is a strange thing with internet lists like PCT-L.  
People who post a lot and answer a lot of questions can 
inaccurately be viewed as experts.  I consider myself a 
lucky person.  I've been lucky to have hiked many miles 
on the PCT.  Three years in a row was a dream come true.  
But my opinion is certainly no more valid than someone 
who section hikes or thru-hiked only once.  And I am not 
the person to answer questions about snow.
 . . . . except to say this:  Go to Campo and hike north.  
If it turns out that you need to skip the Sierra and come 
back to it later, you will make that decision on the trail.  
To sit at home right now and choose a jumping-ahead spot 
is fun for planning but not very realistic.  
I enjoy chiming in on PCT-L and TrailForums every day.  
It's a fun hobby, especially since I'm not hiking this 
season.  It's no secret that I'm very opinionated and 
just a little bit stubborn.  It's nice that you directed 
your question to me, but I sure hope that the real snow 
experts out there will chime in on this one.

Peter Hoffman <pdhoffma@swbell.net> wrote:
A question for Yogi, although anyone may chime in. 

I am aware of you strong feelings about doing a continuous, contiguous 
thruhike from your handbook. (In fact, after reading it for what must 
be the 47th time, I think I about have it all memorized.) However, this 
year might be the one where that is going to be very difficult. 
Particularly, if VVR is not open until July 4, as Tom Reynolds 

So the question is, given what we currently know about where the snow is 
and is not and your knowledge of the trail and terrain, where would you 
jump ahead to for two weeks before returning to Kennedy Meadows to 
continue? Thanks.

Pete Hoffman
"Old Corpus"

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