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[pct-l] WA Detour Info.

I have had the good fortune to hike both the western
and northern side of Glacier Peak across the Suiattle
Bridge in 2003 (which of course is now washed out) and
then the southern and eastern re-route by way of High
Pass in 2004.

In my opinion, the two routes are equally difficult
and the re-route offers better views for the effort.
The re-route trail needed a lot of work at the time I
used it, but it was passable and much work has been
done since. I never found out why so many 2004 hikers
road walked. The only explanation I can think of is
that I was at the very back of the pack and perhaps
trail conditions were much worse before I got there.

PCT 03 & 04

--- Jason Waicunas <pct2005@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for bringing it up again, but I didn't see any
> reply to my post 
> earlier regarding the PCT detour in WA.  I'd like to
> hear opinions about the 
> the detour, in regard to hiker opinions on the level
> of difficulty of each 
> route, ease of navigation, current conditions of the
> trail, and any 
> additional info. that may be valuable.
> Take it easy and see you at the KickOff,
> -NaborJ
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