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[pct-l] RE: '98 snow Journals...

Ah, but someone *has* made a back up of this stuff! It's called web.archive.org 
and according to them you can "Browse through 30 billion web pages archived from 
1996 to a few months ago".

I found www.skydivenet.com/pcthike archived and am able to read the journal (or 
at least the parts I've tried so far).

I also tried the archived pcta website, and Breen's journal is listed, but when 
I try to access it, web.archive tells me the page I'm after hasn't been archived 
:-(  There are multiple versions of the pcta website archived and I haven't yet 
tried them all. I don't have time right now to do that--I'll try again this evening.

web.archive.org is easy to use. Just type in the url you're after and up comes a 
selection of versions that have been archived. Pick one and off you go, reading 
a website that hasn't been "on the air" in over 7 years!


Maury Schwenkler wrote:
> Jonathan Breem's journal used to be on the PCTA website, but isn't any 
> more (can someone please provide it??)
> Chris Bailey & Jenelle Wilcox's journal was at 
> www.skydivenet.com/pcthike/ but also is gone (did someone out there make 
> a backup of it?)
> The other '98 thru-hikers finishing in Canada were: Josh Dhasalear, 
> Jason Lakey, Jonathan Breen, Jennifer Pittman, Mark Dixon, Jim Horan, 
> and Graham Johnson.
> That's all Google has to say on the subject.
> Maury
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