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[pct-l] Snike bite Kit....!

Well then! have you ever heard "Don't kill the messenger" All I'm saying is
check out WEBMD if you don't want to great HYOH. I've been on trail's on
foot and horse back and as a kid playing in fields and all kinds of rocky
places and since I was about 7 seen a lot of snakes, all kinds and have
never been bit but have been struck at. That would be around 55 years. When
we moved to Lake Mathews in Riverside Co. SoCal I killed 6 my first year,
all around our horses. Our friends a mile away killed 13 their first year.
All I'm saying is Remember
  "Be Prepared"    Ground Pounder Bill       "Semper Fi"

PS in Okinawa one guy was bit by a "HABU" (?) it wasn't pretty. I wonder if
any guys were killed by snake bite in "NAM"?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Bighummel@aol.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Snike bite Kit....!

> Okay, in order to assess the reality of the risk and danger of getting bit
> a rattlesnake, let's take a poll of all of those hikers who have a huge
> collective of trail experience, and see how many have been bitten in all
of the
> years of their backpacking, camping and hiking.
> I will be the first to speak up;
> In 45 years of camping, hiking, climbing, doing geologic field work over a
> huge amount of the southwestern U.S. I have NEVER been even struck at by a
> rattler and NEVER been bit.
> Have ANY of you?
> Greg
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