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[pct-l] June 1st Sobo Kickoff

While I won't be hiking SOBO this year, I will still be around before setting off for the summer (maybe on the CDT).  As I don't live too far away, I would probably show up for a KOP, but not on June 1 (its a Wed, and I have to work).  June 3-5 is the weekend.


Christopher Willett
Pierce College
9401 Farwest Drive SW.
Lakewood, WA. 98498-1999

> ----------
> From: 	pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net on behalf of roni h
> Sent: 	Friday, March 18, 2005 11:28 AM
> To: 	pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
> Subject: 	[pct-l] June 1st Sobo Kickoff
> I am wondering how many people are thinking about a June 1st Sobo?
> Though a Nobo PCT hike normally holds many advantages upon A Sobo hike, this year seems to be the exception, mainly because of high chance of the northwest forests being closed in summer to hikers due to the drought induced fire hasard.
> I wasn't initaly planing to do a PCT thruhike this year, as I can leave Israel only in the end of May, and hiking Sobo is normaly a very lonly exprience, due to fact that the few Sobo hikers don't normaly start together, but this year might be differnt.
> If we can orgenize some kind of kickoff around June 1st at manning, more people might start south together, and therfore we won't have to hike alone, and miss the social part of a thruhike, which in my opinion, is a very big part of the thruhiking expreince.
> How many people are considering hiking south this year starting June 1st?
> What do you think about the Kickoff Idea?
> Roni (in Israel)
> PCT 2003 
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