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[pct-l] RE: Sierra Snow Prediction - March 1st

However, if, for some reason I simply MUST hike the
>PCT this year I would follow Jonathan Breems example. His 1998 diary
>recorded the value of crampons. He related how he was easily able to walk 
>the top of the hard snow very early in the day and make his miles without
>post-holing later in the afternoon while other hikers had to wait until the
>snow softened and, as a result, were faced with miles of post-holing.
>Jonathan also recommended using Ski Mountaineer's Pass, not Forrester Pass
>since the cornice on Forrester was simply impossible.

I'm really amazed that anyone would do the sierra section of the PCT any 
other way than night/early mornings.  Aren't there any climbers or 
backcountry skiers that thru hike?  Doesn't anyone think outside of the box 
anymore?  Of course, I joyfully day dream about the movie "The Day After 
Tomorrow" and shake my fist at the sun everyday.  It doesn't help that I 
live in Las Vegas.  Our nuclear winter is just about to start.