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[pct-l] poison oak in hiding?


It would appear that I am the only PCT hiker that has not encountered
significant poison oak along our trail!
Perhaps it hides from me when it sees my coming...

That's it! Like a bear, the poison oak senses fear... When I come along,
it gets the heck out of MY way!

Personally, I think a steady regimen of consumed oilcans builds up an
immunity to poison oak...
After enough oilcans, you can roll it up and smoke it!
(I'm gonna get hit with the worse case of poison oak rash in history now
that I'm making fun of it...)

But seriously, even in the mountains of my backyard, I don't see
anything that amounts to anything like thickets of PO.
Patches and bunches here and there. All easily identified and all easily
As bad as it's being reported, I'm surprised this subject hasn't risen
to the ranks of bear cans and dogs!

Now what will happen is, everyone at ADZ is going to point out the PO
plantations around the edges of the park...

I'm going to be on The Trail this weekend from 74 to Fobes. The trail at
the 74 is at 5k, so I don't expect to see any..
BUT IF I DO...  I Will diligently report it!

M i c h a e l   S a e n z
McLarand Vasquez Emsiek & Partners, Inc.
A r c h i t e c t u r e    P l a n n i n g    I n t e r i o r s
w  w  w  .  m  v  e  -  a  r  c  h  i  t  e  c  t  s  .  c  o  m

-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net
[mailto:pct-l-bounces@mailman.backcountry.net] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:16 AM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [BULK] - Re: [pct-l] poison oak

In geology field work up around Santa Barbara we encountered poison oak
every weekend and kept ourselves from getting the rash by washing our
clothes after every day in the field and then washing our skin with lava
soap.  It is rough and takes off the top layer of dead skin, thus
removing any adhered oils.  
While this is not completely practical on a thru-hike, it is practical
to thoroughly wash any exposed skin at every opportunity.

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