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[pct-l] condensation on inside of homemade tarptent
- Subject: [pct-l] condensation on inside of homemade tarptent
- From: PCT at DelNorteResort.Com (stillroaming)
- Date: Tue Mar 1 17:37:48 2005
Everyone who uses a tarp or single wall tent has this problem! :)
The reason you have condensation has to do with the temperture
gradient and humidity.
Put another way, the air temp inside your tarp is warmer due to body
heat and the air outside tends to be cooler. Coupled with a high
enough humidity inside(from your body or other sources), you'll get
water condensating on the cooler tarp surface, just like a cold can of soda.
I well ventilated tarp will help reduce this problem. Moving
the air through the tarp will decrease the gradient between the inside
and outside; moving that warm moist air out of the tarp. Some
type of 'vapor barrier' ground sheet, such as tyvek, plastic or silnylon
is good also. It will help keep the moisture out.
Typically, I only use a tarp when the possibility of rain exists, otherwise
the heavens are my tarp. When condensation is likely, I try to raise the
tarp as high as possible, having significant gaps all around the edges
and openings. In blowing rain, at least one edge must be on the ground.
Obviously, location is everything. Don't camp near water or water holding
things, such lakes, creeks, meadows or low lying areas. My ideal location is a
protected ridge or a feature higher than the surrounding area.
But hey, sometimes you just gotta crash on a nasty wet piece of ground. :)
> I had some condensation problems on the inside of my tarptent the
> other night. I was wondering if anyones has come across this problem.
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