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[pct-l] Yogi's guidebook

I never complained about Yogi selling her book, but I accept your  
challenge all the same. My intention from the beginning has been to  
take tons of pictures and post them along with a description of each  
picture and a text write up of each day's hike as well as some sort of  
description of the towns I visit. What I provide won't be quite like  
what Yogi provides (if that's what you want you should buy her book),  
but it should still be a wealth of information for any hiker or arm  
chair adventurer. I also have topo maps of much of the Sierra, but hope  
to add the rest of California as well as Oregon and Washington after I  
return so that all of my pictures can be properly geocoded rather than  
just the Sierra pictures (it's neat - you can look at a map and click  
on a camera icon placed on the map to see a picture taken from that  

As for wether or not you can copyright data (or facts), you can't. But  
you can copyright the presentation of those facts. For example, For  
example, the phone company will copyright the phone book, but they do  
not own the rights to your name, city and phone number. If you want to  
type all that info into a database, print it out and sell it you can.  
However, it would have to look different.


Have fun or die trying - but try not to actually die.
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On Feb 26, 2005, at 7:17 AM, Keith Drury wrote:

> Finally I?d like to lay out a challenge: I call on those who resist  
> Yogi?s
> moderate selling price to ?put up or shut up? ? that is, on your trip  
> up the
> PCT this year take the time to make a detailed record of data for  
> others
> instead like Yogi has.  Your call for altruism in others is a  
> boomerang?it
> comes right back at you.  I dare you.  Collect the data (with  
> referring to
> Yogi?s data?that?d be a Copyright violation) then when your trek is  
> finished
> YOU take the time to type it up and publish it for free on your  
> Internet
> site. Or even send to my University and we?ll publish it for you for  
> free on
> our Backpacking site.)  I dare you!