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[pct-l] Fw: Putting Mt. Goats in Gorge to Hunt

I guess the real question should be did man extirpate sheep from this
area?  If so then reintroduction is something that should be considered. 
This is the same reasoning behind reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone and
other moves that are popular amongst the environmentalist set.  Just
because it is a possible game species does not mean that it should not be
reintroduced.  If goats were there (way back in the 1800's) in the numbers
proposed to be reintroduced then the idea that they will cause the
extinction of plants doesn't make any since.  The plants should have been
there when the goats were...

> To enflame all of us environmentalist!!!  And give us one more thing to
> fight here.
> No--it is based on historical reintroduction of a native species which
> explains why there is such a hot debate on if they are native.
> David
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Christin L. Pruett
University of Alaska Museum
907 Yukon Dr.
Fairbanks, AK 99775