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[pct-l] White Pass Expansion into Hogback Basin roadless area would impact PCT

I am in favor of preserving roadless areas and protecting the PCT.  I 
submitted a comment letter last week to the Forest Service opposing 
development into Hogback Basin roadless area and supporting Alternative 9 
which would expand the Ski Area while avoiding development in the White Pass 
roadless area.  Expansion into Hogback Basin would directly impact the 
integrity and solitude of the Pacific Crest Trail which travels through this 
scenic area.

Alternative 9 supports increasing the capacity for ski development within 
the existing White Pass area by improving the existing trail system and 
upgrading the existing lifts. With Alternative 9, the Forest Service should 
still mitigate any impacts to the Pacific Crest Trail associated with the 
proposed development through equal or better trail relocation or redesigning 
relevant ski runs.


Re: I've been reading some pro and con web pages on this issue and was 
wondering where the PCTA and the PCT community in general stand on it. 
Public comment is supposed to end tomorrow the 23rd.  Here are a few links:
> http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/wenatchee/planning/white-pass/deis/White-Pass-DEIS-Executive-Summary.pdf 
> (environmental impact statement)
> http://www.wawild.org/action/take_action.html (very much against)
> http://www.skiwhitepass.com/expansion05.html (very much for)
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> End of pct-l Digest, Vol 22, Issue 47
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