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[pct-l] Fire Permit
- Subject: [pct-l] Fire Permit
- From: dsaufley at sprynet.com (dsaufley@sprynet.com)
- Date: Sun Feb 20 11:52:03 2005
It seems there was no mention of a requirement for fire permits (for alcohol and gas stoves) until the terrible fires that have occurred in the past two years. It really came into focus when two thru-hikers started fires in So Cal last year. Trouble is, the PCT passes through numerous agency lands and jurisdictions (BLM, NF, NP, and private). Knowing what each jurisdictions' policy is difficult, and could change under varying conditions.
A clear fire permit policy for the entire Trail, or at least a section-by-section breakdown, isn't posted anywhere I'm currently aware of. I wouldn't be surprised to learn, however, that one of the (very astute and knowledgeable) members of this post community doesn't have this information, which would be very valuable to all.
An appropriate source for either a posting or a link to definitive fire permit requirements is the PCT website, I believe -- they're the logical repository for this type of trail usage information.. It's in the best interest of all PCT users to know what the requirements are. I'm including the PCTA on this post, to ask if it is possible to get fire permit info posted to the website, if and when we can come up with it.
Also, to those who patiently endure repetitive questions from newcomers, previously discussed on the post ad nauseam, in addition to directing them to the PCT-L archives, there is great (and accessible) FAQs of general nature at:
Reading this should be a PCT-L new member pre-requisite!
-=Donna Saufley=-
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Peterson <steve_peterson@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Feb 20, 2005 7:17 AM
To: Slyatpct@aol.com
Cc: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Fire Permit
This whole fire permit thing is bewildering. It's been a "requirement" for a
long time, yet every time I've gotten a wilderness permit, I've *never* been
asked if I had a fire permit but I have been asked if I've got a certain other
unmentionable large cylindrical item.
There is nothing on my JMT permit (haven't saved the other wilderness permits so
I can't check them) that says anything about fires. I was stopped on the JMT
last year and asked for my wilderness permit but wasn't asked for my fire permit
(which I didn't have).
Yogi doesn't mention the fire permit (that I can see) in her book. I can't
recall anyone mentioning it in their trail journals (either being asked for it
or saying "got the fire permit along with my wilderness permit and the permit to
enter Canada"). The PCTA website, which is careful to mention the permit to
enter Canada says nothing (that I can see) about the fire permit and they're
located in Caly-fonya for crying out loud.
You'd think something so "necessary" would be mentioned prominently in at least
one of these places.
Slyatpct@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 2/20/2005 1:15:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> metam01@earthlink.net writes:
>>Hi Ken
>>go to this url
>>Fill out the form and FAX it to get your permit faxed back to you.
> Do you need one of these for the JMT? I don't see a number to FAX it back
> too...
> Sly
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