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[pct-l] make it stop

Okay, here goes;

Snakes;  almost stepping on a coiled and rattling rattler near Cajon Pass 
when I was walking forward and looking backward.  Fortunately he was more afraid 
of this huge thing about to step on him and he slithered away at a great 
speed.  Me too!

Blisters;  the worst cases that I have seen are my brothers when he joined me 
at Toulumne Meadows and tried, foulishly, to outhike me to Sth Lake Tahoe.  
Every single toe had a blister!    

Then there was the four layers of blisters that I got in the deserts and heat 
of the Tehachapis on the balls of my feet.  The deepest one was filled with 

Hiker Stench;  When I picked up Swiss Miss (Claudia Tour) in 2001 (if I 
remember right) from the Pink Motel and drove her back to LAX, I had to put the 
windows down and really air out my car due to her super high trail stench.  It 
was the first time since my thru-hike that I remember that smell and it brought 
back a flood of memories, all rather putrid.

Apologies to JoAnn for the snake story.

Best regards and happy hiking,


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds
Albert Einstein