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[pct-l] Birth Control: a similar study

I actually find this topic very interesting -- not all birth control takers are actually trying to prevent birth.  (WARNING -- TMI coming up) I've been on some sort of birth control for the past 13 years because otherwise, I can't function as a human being for 2-3 days a month.  It doesn't matter how much I'm exercising or whether or not I'm sexually active -- I am completely incapacitated if I'm being "natural."  That isn't something I can deal with on the trail -- and that's a lot of forced time off in a five month chunk of time.  For many women, birth control is so much more than what the name implies.  Since I'm on the pill, I'm okay in that regard, but it's not something that can be easily dismissed with advice on abstinence and condoms.
Unfortunately, I don't have good advice for the original question.  The best I can recommend is switching to the pill or the patch -- something that doesn't have to be refrigerated.

Brian Weber <pies_con_queso@yahoo.com> wrote:
Why is birth control an issue on the PCT? I don't think that being road-worn for several days makes one very sexually appealing.

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