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[pct-l] How much fuel to pack?

If you have experience with a white gas stove, such as MSR whisperlite, and
you cook
the same meals, or boil the same amount of water, then you will use almost
twice as much alcohol
as you would white gas. I used 1.5-1.8 oz per day of white gas, and now use
2.75 oz a day of
alcohol for cooking. Sly's amount is pretty much dead on. Factor in maybe a
day extra of fuel, or a small
cookfire per reload segment.  To get the best feel for consumption rate, use
a measurer, like a clear
film can to get the boiling to stop within 30sec after it begins. 1 film can
= 1oz of fuel,
which is nearly two tablespoons. Depending on stove type, 1 film can should
boil 3 cups of water.
Practice at home to gain confidence on the trail. On this spring's shake
down hikes, measure your fuel before
you go hiking, and when you return measure how much is left. This will tell
you your daily fuel consumption
rate, which will give you a hint on how much you will need per reload