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[pct-l] Flying from Vancouver to So. Cal
I have flown into and out of Quebec, driven across the border into Alberta
and the Yukon a couple of times, and even hitchhiked back into the US
after having done the Chilkoot Trail (where you cross the border on foot
from BC into Alaska). This is all post 9-11. I was never hassled and
usually the person at the border only looks at a driver's license (depends
on their mood). I don't have a passport but used a birth certificate - it
was checked when I flew but not always when I drove and when I hitched
they didn't even ask for a driver's license. I know for sure you don't
need a passport to enter or leave Canada if you are a US citizen. Plus,
as I think was mentioned earlier when you are leaving Canada, customs
isn't particularly interested in you. It is when you are going into LA
where the US will want the info and the declaration of stuff you've
brought into the US. So I'm pretty sure no one will ask for the
permission to enter Canada PCT permit. But they will definitely want to
see a passport or birth certificate - I don't think a voter's registration
will work.
> Lots of speculation. Why not call Canadian customs and find
> out first hand? The issue seems more complex than the
> standard filing of a PCT entry permit into Canada and
> subsequent customs form at the bus station in Vancouver.
> Airport customs agents may rightly wonder exactly how you
> arrived in Canada to begin with. They may not be cued into
> the PCT concept.
> - blisterfree
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Christin L. Pruett
University of Alaska Museum
907 Yukon Dr.
Fairbanks, AK 99775