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[pct-l] Fear
Snow is easy to travel onwhen not consolidated...actually fun becasue you
can kick steps even on very very steep slopes and traverse and ascend
very safely...or plunge step to descend. So mid afternoon snow encounters
are best...then of course it may be too deep and you could posthole...hitting a
snow slope or snow field at the optimal time is a pure joy in mountaineering
for me..in fact I seek out early springs peaks to ascend in that manner as long
as the bergschrund has not yet opened up...
But of course the opposite is true when the snow is icey and refrozen
"Sierra Cement"
for example...
enuf said...it is pretty safe with crampons ...
At 09:04 PM 2/8/2005, Matt Bradley wrote:
>I am planning on hiking this year. My biggest fear is probably the snow.
>Mostly because I don't have much expeience traveling on snow. Also I have a
>bit of fear of how I will adjust to desert travel. This is also basically a
>fear of the unknown. Which brings me to the third major fear: that I will
>come up against something totally unanticipated. I don't mean that in the
>most physical sense. Of course I look forward to unknowns and surprises in
>my physical journey. What I mean is that I wonder if I'm mentally prepared
>despite my confidence.
>Peace and Love,
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- References:
- [pct-l] Fear
- From: Bighummel at aol.com (Bighummel@aol.com)
- [pct-l] Fear
- From: bodhisattvavow at hotmail.com (Matt Bradley)