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[pct-l] GoLite Speed Pack
I to used the RACE on most of last years section
hiking ..... it handled well with less than 25 lbs and
with stood the torential rain in Washington last
fall......... it does NOT like mazanita though and
received a flesh wound when attemping a short cut. I
tried to patch it with a tent patch that soon fell off
but the whole miraclulousy did not get larger.
--- Brian Robinson <brian.robinson@sbcglobal.net>
> > if anyone has any comments about this pack, I
> would appreciate hearing
> > about it:
> >http://tinyurl.com/5uafp
> I used the smaller cousin of this pack, the Race, on
> the AT this past year. I love it. The helmet holder
> can be easily cut off to save a few ounces. I also
> cut off the top pocket, but that's not necessary.
> This pack is durable if taken care of. No silnylon
> product can stand being dragged over rocks. As an
> adventure racing pack, it's designed for running. I
> used it on my 4 day 7 hour JMT run. It rides great.
> Flyin' Brian
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